Product --> Screw Conveyor

Screw Conveyor

Screw Conveyor

Screw Conveyor

Screw Conveyor

Screw conveyors are very excellent material handling equipments. These conveyors are available in Φ 3 inch, Φ 4 inch, Φ 5 inch and Φ 6 inch etc. The length of the screw conveyors is available from 6 feet to 20 feet length. .

This screw conveyors are made out of SS 304 stainless steel tubes. The inside screws are also made out of SS 304 and specially drawn and welded to the SS Shaft inside according to the drawings. In our idly/Doda batter project, These conveyors are used for rice/dhal lifting from ground to the rice washing machine or to the tilting grinder.

The screw conveyors are fixed at top side with motor gear box with forward reverse switch for upward and downward movements of materials. For rice washing equipment 5-inch screw conveyor is used with 100kg capacity SS Hopper. For tilting grinders 4-inch screw conveyors with 40 kg SS Hopper is used.

For rice washing machine 5-inch screw conveyor with 10 to 15 feet length fixed with 1 HP to 3.0 Hp motor gear box is used.
For tilting grinder: 4-inch screws conveyor with 8 to 10 feet length fixed with 1 HP to 1.5 HP motor gear box is used.