Product --> Rice / Dhal Collection Vessel

Rice / Dhal Collection Vessel

Rice / Dhal Collection Vessel

Rice / Dhal Collection Vessel

Rice / Dhal Collection Vessel

This vessel is made out of 304 stainless steels. Its available capacity from 20kg to 50kg. This vessel contains strainer mesh welded at the bottom side of the vessel. Apart from these, four nos of trolley wheels are fixed at the bottom side to move this vessel to any area inside the factory .

To facilitate this, handles are fixed at the two sides of vessel with flexible arm (please see in the picture). During rice or dhal collection, water will be drained at the bottom side via this strainer mesh and rice/dhal will be remained in the vessel. After that, the vessel will be taken to the weighing scale through the tapper platform and accurate weight will be made for the rice, that to be put inside the grinder. This vessel with trolley wheel will save lot of handling problems and saves time.

Capacity of the vessel available 20kg to 50kg